Join the New Zealand Food Waste Champions Trust
New Zealand Food Waste Champions 12.3 Trust
About us
New Zealand Food Waste Champions 12.3 Trust is committed to progressing Aotearoa New Zealand toward halving food waste by 2030 in alignment with SDG 12.3.  Our mission ensures we are strategically advocating to inform policy, enabling evidenced solutions and connecting the sector for collaboration. 
The Champions of 12.3 are a coalition of leaders representing the food supply chain who volunteer their time to our kaupapa. We deliver projects such as the national food waste definition, New Zealand’s food waste reduction roadmap and food waste sector map and co-host the National Food Waste Summit. 
Kai Commitment is a Voluntary Agreement for leading food businesses to reduce food waste and related emissions in their business and through collaboration for supply chain impact. This programme has been supported by the Government until June 2026 and has the commitment of 7 of New Zealand’s largest food companies. 
Skills and Competencies Sought
We are searching for up to three Trustees. We particularly welcome applications from Tangata Whenua.
We are interested in hearing from people with practical, professional and community experience in one or more of the areas below (you don’t need to have them all):
Excellent understanding and living integration of Tikanga and Te Tiriti
Strong Accountancy and financial skills
Successful commercial and investment experience
Track record of fundraising and partnerships
Working with a Board of Trustees /Directors in Aotearoa (governance experience)
An understanding of the food sector and/or food waste sector including an alignment to the values of NZFWC12.3 and a passion for food waste reduction is preferred.
Please contact our Executive Director Kaitlin Dawson with your CV and short summary of why you are interested in joining as a trustee: kaitlin@nzchampions123.org.